« Discovering the City of Flowers »

With this tour you can explore Majunga and its unavoidable sites. Fauna, flora, typical vegetations of the area and the sun will be present during your stay.

10 days - 09 nights

Early departure along the National Road 4 to reach Ankarafantsika. The first part of the road up to Ankazobe, lies through a lot of countryside sceneries with fieds and ricefields. All is changing once reaching the plateau of Tampoketsa: many patches of forest relics grow in the valleys, an evidence that a former primary forest covered the major part of the region. In this area the wide grassland was, in the past, the pasture land of queen Ranavalona I’s herds of zebus. She even came there once for hunting wild zebus. Later on, Manerinerina (“nostalgic” name given because there was the last Merina’s landscape seen by prisoners before being sold as slaves in the west in the 17 th C or 18 th C). Climate and vegetation progressively change along the slope going to Mahatsinjo. Between Andriba and Maevatanana many stories about the progression of French troops conquering Madagascar in 1895 could be told. Night on half board in a hotel.

Ankarafantsika is featured by a dry and dense forest but the aspect of vegetation and the height of the trees depend on the substratum and the proximity of the ground water : on the sand dunes trees are about ten meters high maximum with deciduous leaves whereas in the valleys the canopy is 20-25 meters high and the forest is half-deciduous. The interesting elements of the fauna are lemurs (the Propithecus Verreaux or Sifaka, the Mongoose lemur, the brown lemur), birds (the eagle which can fish, the Coquerel’s coua, the Van Dam vanga, the Schlegel asity...). Pachypodium and especially Madagascar Baobab are unmistakable part of the flora. The sacred lake of Ampijoroa is used as a shelter by many crocodiles. The morning is devoted to a walk in the sand growing forest. Lunch is in your charge. After lunch, boarding a small boat for watching water birds especially the eagle which can fish. In the early evening nightwalk for spotting chameleons and nocturnal lemurs. Dinner and overnight in your hotel.

Continuation on the National Road 4 then arrival in Majunga, the “City of Flowers” in the late morning. Lunch in your charge. After that, a city tour for watching the local building style and meeting the symbol of this region which is the mythical Baobab. Installation in a bed and breakfast hotel.

A visit of the Akiba museum for an overview of the region story and presentation of the local fauna and flora as well. Then a visit to the sacred lake of Mangatsa. Overnight with bed and breakfast in your hotel.
(Akiba museum is closed on Sunday)

Départ pour les grottes d’Anjohibe, le deuxième réseau de grotte de Madagascar. Déjeuner pique nique au cours de la route à votre charge. Arrivée sur place, possibilité de se baigner dans la piscine naturelle. Nuit en demi-pension.

The morning is devoted to the dicovery of the caves of Anjohibe with more than 20 kilometers of explored galleries. Many fossils have been discovered in these caves and lately the clearest evidence of human presence in Madagascar for more than 4,000 years has been updated. Lunch on site then heading back to Majunga. Night with bed and breakfast in a hotel.

Seaside relaxation on the beach of Grand Pavois. In the afternoon, heading to the Cirque Rouge, a spectacular geological formation, so that you can enjoy seeing the sunset. Overnight with bed and breakfast in your hotel.

Early departure for a visit to the dhow port to watch the fishermen leaving the port then visit to a local market to see local goods and experience the local people’s daily life. Lunch in town in your charge. Heading back to Ankarafantsika. Overnight with bed and breakfast in a hotel.

Early departure to go back to Antananarivo on the National Road 4. You will enjoy the sceneries you may have missed on your way when going there. Lunch is in your charge. Arrival in Antananarivo in the late afternoon. Transfer to your lodging then night with bed and breakfast in a hotel.

Transfer to the airport for the flight back.

Representation in Europe

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38700 La Tronche – FRANCE
+ 33 6 80 22 02 49
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101 Antananarivo – MADAGASCAR
+261 32 50 544 01
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